

Saturdays from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm



Anointing of the sick

Anointing of the Sick, Hospital Visitation, or Communion Calls for anyone elderly, homebound, ill, or in danger of death. Please call the rectory to request the sacrament.



Parents must contact the rectory to arrange the baptism of their child and set date to attend the Pre-Baptism Class. The session is required for parents who have never attended a Baptism preparation session.


Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration is the practice in the Roman Catholic Church, in which the blessed sacrament is exposed and adored by the faithful.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Wednesday from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm and every Saturday from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.


holy Matrimony

The mutual sacrifice and devotion of a husband and wife is a true picture of Christ's sanctifying and devotion to his church.
Call to make arrangements with priest or deacon at least six months prior to wedding.



Funerals and Memorial Masses may be arranged either through the mortuary of your choice or by calling the rectory directly.